Why the Philippines

"For today’s student,
the Philippines is a truly
stimulating and dynamic
learning environment.”
Its rich colonial history and strategic location at the crossroads between the east and west provide a broad cultural perspective and experience. It is also one of the fastest growing countries in the economically vibrant region of Southeast Asia.
The Philippines is an archipelago made up of 7,107 islands divided into the geographical areas of Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao. Its capital is Manila, in Luzon.
East of Vietnam and north of Indonesia, the Philippines has a tropical climate, with very sunny summers from March to May, heavy rainfall from June to August, and cooler temperatures from late November to early February. Two official languages, Filipino and English, are spoken and used widely.
Things to do
in the Philippines
The nation's islands are full of riches in terms of destinations to visit as a tourist. City life, especially in Metro Manila, is as brisk and as exciting as one would see in a first world country—there are numerous cultural events, retail hubs and entertainment centers to frequent.
Please visit the Department of Tourism's It's More Fun in the Philippines. Lonely Planet and TripAdvisor have also curated the multitude of activities one can indulge in between an immersion in Atenean education.