School of Law

A School of Law committed to the formation of men and women skilled in the science and art of law and involved in the creation of a more just social order. Click here to know more. 


Courses Offered:

Master of Laws

Intellectual Property Law Track

This specialist track provides an in-depth study of intellectual property laws and current trends in the field. Students are introduced to the history, origin, purpose, and function of instruments like copyright, patents, trademarks, and unfair competition. Apart from learning applicable international and domestic legal frameworks, students will also develop practical skills necessary to apply their substantive knowledge to drafting and negotiating contracts, navigating dispute and settlement procedures, developing business strategies, and facilitating brand management. As such, the practical aspect of protection, management, and enforcement of intellectual property rights is a key feature of this stream. Upon completion of this track, students will have a firm grasp of intellectual property law and substantial insight on the practice of intellectual property law.


International Corporate and Business Law Track

This specialist track provides an overview of the policies, doctrines, statutory provisions and regulations that apply to various commercial and business transactions. Apart from tackling the applicable legal frameworks, this track offers significant opportunities to discuss the experiences of commercial and business law practitioners. Substantial emphasis is placed on mastering the practical application of these frameworks, and students will be required to draft and submit pleadings, registration documents, offering prospectuses and others. Upon completing this track, students will have the knowledge and skills needed to succeed in the corporate field.


International Economic Law Track

This specialist track covers a wide range of topics focused on the interplay of law and economics. Specialized topics on international trade, investments, and competition law are key features of this stream. Students may choose from among the cognate courses to tailor their learning to include relevant issues in a particular region (e.g. Europe, ASEAN) or area of practice (e.g. Trade, Competition). Upon completing this track, students are expected to have a strong theoretical and practical understanding of the international trading system and its attendant legal issues.


International Human Rights Law Track

This specialist track focuses on human rights principles, norms, conventions, and mechanisms. The study of related laws and conventions, as applied to the human rights situation of marginalized and vulnerable sectors, is a key feature of this stream. Emerging issues in human rights will also be covered, bringing students to the cutting edge of this area of law. Employing a multidisciplinary approach and dynamic teaching methods in its various course offerings, the human rights track equips students with the requisite practical skills and substantive knowledge to become professionals, scholars, and leaders in the field of human rights.
